Porous Fields (2023)

Performed at IRL Art Camp alongside Fielding by Crystal Lee Stone, curated by Judit Navratil, funded by a Southern Exposure Alternative Exposure Grant

Porous Fields was a performance in which participants interacted with swaths of felt cut out in specific shapes. They joined the fields in diverse clusters, altering their body positions in proximity to friends and strangers. In moments, the group stitched together several porous fields at once to create an encompassing gigantic cluster. It felt like they became one organism.

The fields were sometimes also worn solo, looking like bizarre fashion statements. People posed while wearing them.

While this project is a performance, Porous Fields also exists as sculptures. The shapes I cut out were inspired by lotus roots, sewer grates, air vents, mandalas (the Berkeley Community Acupuncture logo), and what I imagined to be a ‘holey space’ from A Thousand Plateaus.